Advanced Quality Solutions

We offer the most advanced quality in vitro diagnostic solutions for both point-of-care and lab testing.  Our comprehensive and integrated line of Acute Care Diagnostics includes the Blood Gas Family, featuring the GEM Premier and Avoximeter product lines, as well as the Whole Blood Hemostasis Family, featuring the ROTEM, Hemochron and VerifyNow product lines.  From Cardiovascular Operating Rooms and Catheterization Labs, to Intensive Care Units and Emergency Departments, our Acute Care Diagnostic solutions address today’s healthcare challenges by improving efficiency and enhancing patient care.

Intelligent Quality Management

New iQM2 with IntraSpect technology provides intelligent analyzing—automated quality assurance with every sample, continuously and in real-time, unlike traditional (auto or manual) QC offerings.  Integrated on the GEM Premier 5000 system, iQM2 assures quality before, during and after sample analysis, for improved patient care and efficiency.

Real-time quality assurance, everywhere.


Blood Gas Family

New GEM Premier 5000 whole-blood,* blood gas testing system provides automated quality assurance with every sample.  Now with next-generation Intelligent Quality Management (iQM2), featuring new IntraSpect™ technology, potential errors are detected not only before and after, but also during sample analysis, along with real-time correction and documentation.  Plus, it’s simple—just change the all-in-one GEM PAK once a month.  So regardless of testing location or point-of-care operator, quality results and compliance are assured with every sample on the portable GEM Premier 5000 system. 

Assuring quality before, during and after sample analysis—for improved patient care.

Blood Gas Systems

Intelligent Quality Management

Whole Blood CO-Oximetry Testing

IT Solutions

Whole Blood Hemostasis Testing

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